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Le Cerveau: A Newborn Gynoid

MOVIE 2020 30 min Episode(s): 1 english Japanese

Saya Maekawa struggles to raise her son Sota, who is affected by a strange malady known as “the neon illness.” Saya must stay on medication to participate in a transplant surgery for her son. But one night before an important operation, Saya gets into a car accident, and her own life is put in danger. When she comes to, she’s in a laboratory that she doesn’t recognize. A boy named Toma Morina is sitting by her side. She soon discovers that she has become Aki Daito, a completely different person. Although confused by the strange events that keep happening, she continues to look for a way to save her beloved son, Sota.


    2015 55 mins

    The sea is waiting to attack us. In the human working world, greenhouse gas emissions are increasing the average global temperature, causing the sea level to rise, thus threatening the land. When it comes to our future and global warming, time is running out. Most vulnerable to global warming, are...
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    Wonderful Dreams in a Monochrome World- Toyama Prefecture
    2018 30 mins

    Jack Lee Randall is a shadow artist from the United States. He made the fateful decision to settle down in Toyama Prefecture after visiting there on one of his shows. His shadow performances evoke a sense of nostalgia in his spectators, and are full of curiosity and awe for the...
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    2018 111 minutes

    There are moments of breathtaking beauty that can only be seen once in a lifetime. Providing footage from 47 Prefectures (over 200 locations) in Japan and filmed over eight years, this film captures such moments in 4K. The hope is that this movie will inspire "people to know more about...
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    Ossu! Fundoshi Boys
    2013 30 mins

    At Saint Elmo’s High, there were once legendary performances given at the annual school festival, where participants danced while wearing white loincloths known as ‘fundoshi.’ But as time passes, the memory of those performances is fading. An impressionable freshman believes it’s his duty to revive the tradition, and so forms...
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