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The Youngest Daughter

MOVIE 2022 30 min Episode(s): 1 english Japanese

On a weekday morning like any other, fourth grader Natsumi is on her way to school when she suddenly decides to run away from home. Leaving her school bag in a luggage locker, she heads for her grandmother's house, who lives far away. Her grandmother is surprised by her sudden visit, but she understands Natsumi's feelings and welcomes her warmly. Natsumi is exhausted from the stress of her parents' tumultuous relationship. She begins to find peace as she spends time with her grandmother and her neighbors, who seem to be enjoying themselves without a care in the world. But, the next day, her parents come looking to take her home…


    The Detective's Bento
    2022 12 mins

    Gendoji Daigo is a private detective who loves mysteries and food. The police request his services whenever a case involving food arises, and his hobby is cooking dishes inspired by mystery novels and famous detectives. For some deep-rooted reason, he cannot eat food that is prepared by someone else, so...
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    Let's Have Fun!
    2018 60 mins

    This program is an entertaining and informative travel show, that introduces various "good trips" people can enjoy all around Japan. From wonderful leisure spots, views, and traditional lodgings, to local cuisine, it's all here! Information on seasonal activities and food is also provided, and the fun and energetic hosts even interview tourism...
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    Over 30
    2009 24 mins

    Aiko is a 36-year-old housewife with a son and daughter. One day, she discovers that her husband is having an affair on his supposed business trips to Tokyo.  Shocked, but spurred to action, she moves to Tokyo with her children and confronts her husband and his mistress, Mika, at her...
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    Kiraigo -800 Years of Performing Hell Theater-
    2018 30 mins

    The stage is set in hell. Demons curse and berate the sinner who has committed a terrible crime. The only play in Japan ever to be set in hell, the "Kiraigo" of Yokoshibahikari Town, Chiba Prefecture, has had a history of 800 years. Yet despite its impressive history, the small...
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