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Far, Far Away

MOVIE 2022 30 min Episode(s): 1 english Japanese

Sara is 21 years old and works part-time at a family restaurant. One day, she meets a woman named Takeuchi who’s come in for an interview, and is visibly shaken. Her boyfriend, Yuto, mentions that he spotted Takeuchi while he was riding home on his bicycle, sending Sara into a rage and leaving Yuto confused. But there’s something that only these two women can work out between themselves. The question is, how will they go about it?


    A Glimmer of Hope

    Award of Excellence at the Media Arts Festival. With the traditional family challenged by growing society pressures in modern Japan, this drama depicts the conflict between a father and his children as each struggle to find their own way in life. The characters in the story come to discover the...
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    Amazing Cruises Around the World
    2009 25 min

    This program showcases trips on luxury cruise liners, taking you on sea adventures with beautiful scenery and maximum relaxation! Escape the troubles of your daily life and hop on to see amazing places all over the world! Experience scenes of beauty and wonder that will simply leave you begging for...
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    'Senmaizuke' Pickled Turnip Kyoto city, Kyoto Pref.
    2016 25 minutes

    The old city of Kyoto is famous for pickles using local vegetables: Suguki, Shibazuke, and Senmaizuke. Nowadays there are many producers of Senmaizuke on the market, but it was first made by Kyoto's pickles specialists at the Tsukemono (Japanese pickles) shop Daito. For more than 150 years, the recipes were...
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    Beyond the Hill
    2011 50 mins

    Akira, a high school senior, lives with his father who runs a potato farm. His mother left them six years ago after Reiko, his older sister, died. Unable to deal with his mother’s sudden return, Akira runs away from home. The next day, he meets a mysterious girl who turns...
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