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The Cactus in the Bed

MOVIE 2023 30 min Episode(s): 1 english Japanese

Yoshinori Yanagida, who turns 35 this year, aspires to be a movie actor. Because of the lack of opportunities, he has resigned himself to spending much of his professional life working as a stand-in for other actors and TV personalities. After a chat over drinks with popular actor Ryo Ogawa, who he did work with in a commercial, Yanagida decides to audition for a role in a student movie.


    Wagashi Sweets from Samurai Town Kanazawa city, Ishikawa Pref.
    2015 30 minutes

    The historical samurai town of Kanazawa is famous for wagashi (Japanese traditional sweets). The city is said to have the largest consumption of fresh wagashi.  The different wagashi are traditionally made according to the four distinct seasons, adding elegance to people's daily lives. This documentary takes you on a journey...
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    2018 111 minutes

    There are moments of breathtaking beauty that can only be seen once in a lifetime. Providing footage from 47 Prefectures (over 200 locations) in Japan and filmed over eight years, this film captures such moments in 4K. The hope is that this movie will inspire "people to know more about...
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    ENGAWA 1 & 2

    Grand Prize at NAB Awards 2010. Japan has a large population that is aging rapidly. A Japanese woman's average life span is 86 years old, which has been at the top of the world record for 25 years. This documentary shows the life of four sisters whose average age is...
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    Nagasaki Kunchi -A Ride on the Nanbansen-
    2018 30 mins

    The "Nagasaki Kunchi" is a festival that holds a 380-year history. Dragons coil and children dance to the many performances, giving life and color to the festival stage. One such performance is the dynamic and flamboyant "Dozamachi Nanbansen". It is a reenactment of the heyday of ocean exploration when Spanish...
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