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Quiet Hide-and-seek

MOVIE 2019 30 min Episode(s): 1 english Japanese

A peculiar incident occurred in the Kamata family. Two weeks ago, Mom disappeared after a fight with Dad. While Dad and Shiho don’t have the slightest idea where Mom has gone, 13-year-old Kojiro knows her whereabouts. He helped her to hide somewhere in the house. Mom can only truly feel at home during the daytime when Dad is at work and the kids are at school. Kojiro and Mom share a secret signal. Then, one day, after they have gotten used to living like this, Dad comes home unexpectedly during the day. Does the quarrel between Mom and Dad have no end?


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    Nominated as one of the Best 8 Dramas in Asia at the International Emmy Awards. Yuko, indecisive about her future, submits a blank report about her college plans. As punishment, she spends summer vacation helping her mother deliver meals to the elderly. She meets Gansan, a stubborn old man whom...
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    World Cruise
    2015 25 minutes

    There are many beautiful seas out in the world, and this series will take you to many locations, such as the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Caribbean Sea, and many more, all in HD quality. Journey along as we take a cruise to some of the world’s most wonderful off-land locations.
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    Hometown's Original Scenery -World of Doll Art-
    2015 30 mins

    Mayumi Takahashi is a doll artist who started making dolls over 30 years ago. Her workshop is located in Iiyama City, Nagano Prefecture, which is known for its charming Japanese countryside. Inspired by the rural and rustic scenery around her,  Takahashi's creations often allow people to feel a strong sense...
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    The Swordsmith -Kunimasa Matsuba to the new frontier-
    2015 30 mins

    Kunimasa Matsuba is a Japanese swordsmith who has received the prestigious excellence award ten times at the exhibition of newly made swords in Japan. His strong, muscular body has undergone years of training in the smothering heat which enables him to create beautiful swords that gleam brightly whenever the light...
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