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Long-Term Coffee Break

MOVIE 2022 30 min Episode(s): 1 english Japanese
Yuko is a career woman and works at a major corporation. One day, a man named Naoki hits on her. Naoki is a couch-surfing actor, he is unique and Yuko finds him attractive. One year later the two get married. After marriage, the affairs of couples around them start to come to light. In the midst of all of this, Yuko’s feelings towards Naoki start to change.


    Wagashi Sweets from Samurai Town Kanazawa city, Ishikawa Pref.
    2015 30 minutes

    The historical samurai town of Kanazawa is famous for wagashi (Japanese traditional sweets). The city is said to have the largest consumption of fresh wagashi.  The different wagashi are traditionally made according to the four distinct seasons, adding elegance to people's daily lives. This documentary takes you on a journey...
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    Art and excellence of Craftsmanships Katsushika, Tokyo
    2015 30mins

    Katsushika ward in downtown Tokyo is one of a few cities where many craftsmen known as “Shokunins” still exist. Many of them work with skills used since the Edo or Meiji periods (late 19th century). The traditional crafts that they create through careful study of materials, experiences, and techniques are...
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    Finding 1984
    2014 50 mins

    "Nineteen Eighty-Four" is a masterpiece among science fiction novels that keeps influencing the world, including Haruki Murakami and Michael Moore, and significantly influences films, music, literature fine arts, and more. In 2014, 30 years after 1984, this documentary explores the subject matter as it relates to today's world and how...
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    Omanto Festival -Land on This Horse-
    2018 30 mins

    The Omanto Festival of Aichi Prefecture is a much-loved festival passed down since the Edo period. The highlight of this festival is held at a circular run where young men display their courage by jumping onto horses traveling at 40 km/hour. The locals of this region call this "Uma ni...
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