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Fill Me In!

ENTERTAINMENT 2023 30 min Episode(s): 7 english Japanese
Actor Sousuke Ikematsu is 33 and single. Having grown up as one of four siblings and the son of the owners of a preschool, he has some experience with entertaining children. “I want to become an adult that children feel comfortable with,” he says. So, what happens when he’s suddenly given the challenge of entertaining some children for a weekend? He decides to help them do something they’ve always dreamed of doing. At first, the kids and Sousuke don’t know what to make of each other, but gradually, a friendship starts to take root. In the end, perhaps it isn’t Sousuke who has something to teach the children, but the children who have something to teach him.


    Ryori Mukashi-Banashi (Tales of Edo Cuisine)
    2013 45 mins

    This program takes you back in time to the Edo era of the 17th and 18 centuries, by recreating actual recipes of the time for the present. You not only learn how to cook the meals, but also the historical background behind each dish. However, this is no ordinary cooking...
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    Beauty of Japan Series- Season 2
    2018 30 mins

    There are 2.5 million people from all over the world currently living in Japan. How did they end up there? What drew them to come to Japan in the first place? Or more importantly, what made them want to stay? In this series, we take a look at various non-Japanese...
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    Melting Switzerland ~Saving the Swiss Glaciers~
    2016 49 mins

    The program is themed on “Glaciers × Science × Adventure.” We follow the latest research on global warming, as well as technologies utilizing “light” that have the potential of opening up the future of the planet. Switzerland attracts a lot of tourists every year, with its economy largely tourism-dependent. However,...
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    Food of Japan Season.2
    2017 25 minutes

    'Food of Japan' is produced by regional cable stations across the country using their deep connections in communities to reveal local treasures. The theme of this series is food culture. In this series, we learn about snacks that Ninjas used to eat, how western food began in Japan, and much...
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